HomeLife Academy
HomeLife Academy (founded in 2003) is a non-traditional K-12 private school and ministry that was founded to give homeschoolers and their parents educational access and support from anywhere in the world. We allow parents to teach what they want, on their own schedule and in a style appropriate for their child.
Services include...
Academic counseling and homeschool support from our experienced homeschool counselors and a full-service record staff who are ready to serve your family.
Official transcripts and diplomas that have been accepted by colleges all over the U.S. Annual transcript reviews assure your student is on track for graduation.
Online account access for reporting grades, requesting documents, making payments and updating account information saving you valuable time in your day.
HomeSchool Trading Post
UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!! We are thrilled to announce the grand opening of the one and only Homeschool Trading Post! This is a place for you to buy, sell, and trade books and curriculum. BUT THAT'S NOT ALL...
Do you have a unique handcrafted item or product that you and your family make and sell? Well this is just the place for you! You can list your item and sell directly to customers all over the world!
This is going to be fun!
Inspire&Equip is a concept we have a for a series of conferences similar to TED talks, but for the sole purpose of inspiring homeschooling parents with "You Can Do This." The weekend conferences include one (or more) full Maker Fair day and one (or more) full day of short (20min.or less each) educational and inspirational talks from homeschool experts, parents, and students.
Throughout the duration of the event homeschool counselors will be available to parents in designated areas, providing information, encouragement, and prayer.